Better than Notion? A fast-evolving visual note-taking app-HeptabaseHeptabase is the first and the only note-taking app I’m paying for, and let me tell you why:Dec 22, 202428Dec 22, 202428
Published inGWLabHow to parse XML file exported from Apple iOS Health App and make a sleep schedule plot using…Source CodeJul 16, 20224Jul 16, 20224
Flaws/Problems of Garmin Watches you should know before buying themGarmin made some excellent smartwatches. But there are some issues that you should know before you decide whether to buy them. I realized…Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022
Published inGWLabSeries Solutions to an ODE, Ordinary Point, and Regular Singular Point — the Frobenius’s MethodThis article is based on my unpublished book about Mathematics for Physics.Dec 23, 202115Dec 23, 202115
Published inGWLab什麼是量子力學? 為什麼叫作“量子”力學?量子力學是一個能用來解釋微觀世界的理論,其中的薛丁格方程式(Schrödinger Equation)就像是牛頓定律的 F=ma,然而牛頓定律(古典力學)沒辦法完全適用於如原子、電子、中子、質子這般微小的東西,而量子力學提供了我們一個能夠預測這些微小粒子行為的理論。Dec 15, 2021941Dec 15, 2021941
Published inGWLabWhat is Quantum Mechanics? Why it is called Quantum? — An Introduction to Quantum MechanicsNote: a Chinese version of this article is available here.Dec 9, 2021711Dec 9, 2021711
錄音筆記-遠端錄音今天要來分享如何透過網路遠端錄音的工具。在後疫情時代,遠端工作、合作已經成為大家生活無法分割的一部份,而遠端錄音除了解決因為疫情無法讓大家群聚在錄音室的問題,也開啟了更多跨地區甚至跨國合作的可能。不論是錄 Podcast 還是流行樂,都能或多或少受惠。Nov 22, 2021100Nov 22, 2021100
Published inGWLab[分享]在日本重力波實驗KAGRA的生活經驗今天要來和大家分享在 KAGRA Site 工作的經驗,雖然聽起來不像在南極的實驗那樣酷炫,但還是蠻新奇的體驗。Oct 24, 202120Oct 24, 202120
[留學][懶人包] 美國手機門號、eSIM、美國收台灣簡訊之新手入門剛來或將要來美國的你,最需要擔心的問題大概就是租房子、辦門號、開銀行帳戶。今天要來介紹一下辦手機門號。不過我必須說門號方案這東西真的因人而異,每個人的需求都不同,有的人在沒有 Wi-Fi 的地方不看個 YouTube…Oct 18, 20212893Oct 18, 20212893